Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Address and Letters

It has been a long and heart aching wait to get the address, but waiting patiently it finally arrived!  His parents received the addressed letter on the 12th of May, twelve long days passed before we finally got it!  I was so excited that I address all of my 17 letters and sent them out that evening.

That weekend I planned a trip to see my Best Friend in New Jersey, so I went down and had a great weekend, I missed my Recruit a lot and had one small moment where sadness overcame me, but then I looked at the positive that I will be seeing him in just a few more weeks :)  *Got to keep the positive attitude, trust me it makes things betters.  I left New Jersey with a good weekend of Best Friend Therapy and headed home.

To my hope there was a envelope in the mail for me.  It arrived on Saturday May 14, just 2 days after we received his address.  Before I opened it I just stared at it, I was excited, I was shaking and I just thought of him.  Finally I opened it, I grabbed a knife from the kitchen because I did not want to ruin the top as I want to make sure they are all saved in the best condition as possible.  So I slipped open the top and read those first words. "Hey Babe it’s me!"  I was so excited to see that first line, I read the entire letter about 40 times before I let it all sink in. 

He had a very great attitude and a positive way of thinking; he said it was so bad, he said the worst part was being away from Me and his Puppies :).  I was so relieved to see this and glad that he is enjoying Boot Camp the best he can.  Than Yesterday Monday May 16 I got another letter, this one was very much the same, said things were going well, he was designated Maytag (laundry duty) he said it sucked but it was ok because he got to catch a break for a few minutes.  Also he thinks his DI's like him because they fuck with him, I guess in the Marines if they fuck with you that means they like you HAHA!  He explained his daily activities, chow than PT than class for a few hours than getting squared away and get ready for lights out. 

He also stated that he wanted to attend church on a regular basis, as this provided a small break from the rigorous activities of becoming a Marine and also it’s a good spot to see other Platoons Graduate, he told me that seeing that gives him motivation to get to that point, that glorious point on the Parade Deck of Parris Island, finally graduating and finally being called a Marine.

I know Rob will keep this positive attitude up and continue being strong.  I tell him in almost all of my letters that I am so proud of him and he will achieve this goal, I always remind him to stay strong and to keep his head up.  I miss him more than words can describe but we are already 72 days away from Family Day and 73 Days until I can bring Him home!  We are just about 20 days down and the days are flying by, I send him my love and support always, and think happy thoughts for him and try and send the positive vibes as well!

There is no telling whether I will have another letter today, I am hoping but I know that there will be days here and there without a letter, Recruits don't get all day to write ya know!

That’s all for know
Semper Fi!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Still Waiting..... Patiently of course :)

So as I count the days, I am still waiting for his address!  I am trying to be patient but it is a hard thing to do. 

It's a new and very strange feeling of being alone in our house, this is our first real apartment that is more of a home rather than a outlet that we are renting.  We have made many memories in out little home.  It is more of the little things rather than bigger things.  Such as when we bought our first patio set and had our first beer on the patio in the summer sun.  The halloween parties we had, the christmas parties and  when we made wings in our deep fryer for  superbowl Sunday! 

The things about him that I miss the most are silly things, like how when he didn't shave the scruff on his chin hurt my chin, or even the way he snored or the way he he would put octane on the sirus radio and drum on the stearing wheel of the car!  Its the simple things that I have found to miss the most. 

I have definatly gotten used to it for the most part, and when others say its a "roller coaster" it really is, 5 mins here I am sad and than 5 mins later I am happy than sad than happy!  It is not necesarily the super high and super lows is the little dips and hills of a roller coaster that really get you!

The things that get me through these hills and dips are looking at my favorite picture of the two of us, it was when we first started dating we were in his car, I had his winter hat on and its just really cute!  I also am wearing one of those silicon braceltes, its in a shape of a dirt bike so I squish that or play with it and it puts my mind at ease, the best thing is making sure that I think that "Rob woyuldn't want me to be sad, he was me to be happy and go to work and play with the dogs and do all the things I normally would do on a daily basis.! 

We are in this together, obviosuly in different places and circumstances but we are a team and together whether we are physically together or not we can get through this!

It's only 13 weeks right!  No biggie!  After that 13 weeks it will get better!

Good Night for now!  I hope you all enjoy reading my blog!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Letters To Him

I can tell you one thing, Rob is going to get about 20 letters from me by the time I can finally send them.  Yes I am still waiting for that address.

I thought that writing a letter to him would be hard, I said to myself my life isn't that exciting how am I ever going to write all those letters.  Well for those of you who know me you know I cant shut up.  A few things I have noticed in the past few days is you let yourself get lost in the letter, its not like when you were in school and someone is grading it on the structure.  My letters are all over the place and than back!  Rob and I spent everyday together and just telling him how my day went will make him feel a little at home.  So I make sure I say "Oh the cat ate my plant again" or "the doggies are cuddling on the bed" its the little things like that which will help him get through this rough time.  I make sure to tell him things like travel plans for this weekend or who's birthday celebrations are coming up.  I have also learned from other sites that the mentioning the word "Graduation" can turn any Recruits frown upside down.  I keep my letters positive and up beat, throughout my letters I must tell him 42 times that I am proud of him and that he can get through this.  I make sure to remind him how good he is at things like Physical Fitness and how he is not one for Head Games, I tell him things like "Keep on Truckin" and the favorite parts of my letter are reminding him how much I love him!

Maybe even so like this blog it is just rambling on and on and on, but it keeps me sane and grounded.  Not only does Rob have his letters to read he also has my blogs to read when he gets home!

There is much more to ramble on about and I am sure I will ramble on later!

Blog again Soon!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

A New Friend

As always I am checking the Marine Parents web site and following that to a link called Recruit Parents.  Its a great web site with alot of insightful information, anything from letters to the best day ever Graduation.  As I have a few postings on that web site I was able to connect with someone who more or less is in my shoes and I am in her shoes.

Her name is Melissa.  She has a Fiance that is out at Boot Camp and left the same day that Rob did, she is 20 years old so we are closer in age than some. So I wrote her and email and told her to email me and within about an hour I had an email in my inbox.  As I read her email I thought "Wow we are in the same place right now." I wrote her back and told her I would look her up on facebook when I got home.

Well I got home and looked her up and we instantly were Facebook Chatting.  We talked for a little but online and we had already exchanged phone numbers and we have been texting throughout the day today.

Its nice to know that there is another person out there feeling and thinking the same way I am.  I wrote another letter to Rob, so he is up to 5 at the moment :) Should be about 10-12 by the time I get his address :)  I wrote in the letter that I had connected with another Recruits Girlfriend/Fiancee and attached her fiancees name as well, because Recruits are not going to know each other by first name!  We both joked and laughed about how cool it would be if they are in the same Platoon.  Who knows maybe this is a friendship to be?

I'm not writing this in comparison to the support I have by my family members that's not the case at all, they mean the world to me and their support helps get me through each and every day.  But its knowing that there is another person who is in a completely different state sitting at home, or in class or at work and feeling the exact same feelings as I feel.

I can't wait until we both get our Recruits Address's and can start sending and receiving letters, I have a feeling Melissa and I will be calling each other whenever we get a letter! 

That's all for today!

Thanks Melissa, talk to you soon!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

And so this Journey Begins

I have known since September that Rob was enlisiting into the Marines.  At the time May 1st seemed so far away, Well it wasnt, May 1st was here before we knew it. 

I want to do this blog as a reference for all the other girls with a Boyfriend who is joinging any Military Branch.

I completly support Robs decision on becoming a Marine, he is most likley older than most other Recruits, he made this choice at 24 years old.

A little backround about us as a couple, we have known eachother for 12 years now, went to high school together and had the same group of friends.  We have been together for almost 6 years now and have lived together for about the same amount of time. We come from a smaller town but we both have big families that support this decision to the fullest.

Right now Rob has been gone since Sunday when he was dropped of at the Recruiters office and was brought to MEPS, he flew down to Parris Island on Monday evening.  We recieved his "I Have Arrived At Parris Island" phone call at 11:11pm on Monday night.  He did not sound terrified but more rushed than anything.

The past 3 days have been emotional and everytime I get a little sad I just remember that we are now 1 more day closer than we were yesterday to picking him up from Graduation. 

As I await for his address I have already written 3 letters, I have learned from a community web site that it is best to number your letters just incase more than 1 letter comes at a time or in the event that one gets lost.

Yesterday was the first night I actually slept at my house without him, the past 2 nights I stayed at his parents house.  it was a little scary that I was in our bed all alone, and I knew that I am going to be alone for the next 13 weeks.  I eventually got to sleep and woke up for work, and did his normal morning chores, feeding the Dogs and letting them out, feed the cat and finally head out to work!  The worst one of his chores that I will now be doing is taking out the trash! LOL! 

The days are going by fast already and I hope they continue to fly by!  I am a little scared for him but I know that this will be great for him and our future together!

Will be posting again soon :)